the European Union wants to repeal the Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code is one of the great symbols of the defeat of fascism in World War II and it is no coincidence that it has a medical and sanitary content, nor is it a coincidence that certain medical practices are linked to fascism, i.e. that fascism dresses up in the garb of “public health”.

The Code was enacted in 1947, immediately after World War II, to prohibit medical tests on people without their consent, which made killers like Dr. Josef Mengele or Dr. Hideki Tojo famous.

In spite of being something so clear and evident, in Spain the opportunists of the “left” give it a 180 degree turn and it seems that the greatest defenders of the Nuremberg Code are the “ultra-right”. What has been happening for the last two years is truly shameful.

The pandemic has once again demonstrated that in the age of imperialism, bourgeois governments enter into fascistization processes and adopt the same policies as Germany in Hitler’s time. The compulsory vaccination and the vaccination passport are only the latest examples of this.

In Austria people over the age of 12 who are not vaccinated have to remain locked up almost entirely these days, and are only allowed out for absolutely essential tasks, such as food or medical appointments.

The European Union as a whole is heading headlong into fascism and Ursula Van Der Leyen has publicly stated that she wants to repeal the Nuremberg Code to impose compulsory vaccination.

In an interview with the BBC, the EU President said it was “appropriate” to consider vaccination orders, particularly because of the new variant omicron, which has already been detected in 12 EU countries.

The trick is to do a U-turn on international legislation without being too noticeable that fascism is already here. “How can we impose mandatory vaccination in the EU? It needs to be discussed. A common approach is needed, but it’s a debate I think we have to have,” Van Der Leyen told the BBC.

In Spain, the talk shows want to start the same “debate” in which -without a doubt- the same people who have participated so far are going to take part. They have not hesitated to propose a change in the current health legislation and to pass a new law imposing vaccination “by civil or military means”.

Here they forget the WHO recommendations as soon as it does not suit them. The WHO has pronounced itself against vaccine passports and has had to recognize, moreover, that most of the cases of omicron are not serious.

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