U.S. provokes Russia to resort to its tactical nuclear weapons.

Biden has authorized the Ukrainian military to carry out U.S. weapons strikes against targets inside Russia, says the Washington Post, although the approval applies only to regions of Russia bordering the Kharkov region (*).The Pentagon will send instructions to Ukraine on the conditions for the use of long-range weapons.

There is nothing new.It is something that was already being done, albeit covertly. Otherwise, it is yet another proof that the Ukrainian War pits Russia against NATO and, more specifically, against the United States, which is leading the operations on the ground (together with its lapdog, the United Kingdom).

It is also clear that the presence of NATO troops is no secret and that, although only “trainers” are mentioned, the corpses in the trenches bear the official patches proving their place of origin.Russia’s clash with NATO is not a risk but evidence and the next step in the escalation is nuclear weapons.The United States is provoking Russia to resort to its tactical nuclear weapons. If Russia does not do so, it is because it wants to continue to hold the initiative.

The U.S. plan is to increase the costs to Russia, primarily economic. Russia, on the other hand, is exclusively assessing threats against the state.

There is a balance that Russia is surely taking into account, which is the internal divisions within the warmongering bloc. First of all, the divisions between the United States and the European Union. Then the internal divisions in NATO, where decisions are increasingly taken by a small group of countries. The last one is the countries of the European Union that do not support the attacks on Russian territory.

In the long run, these internal divisions will become a source of complications for Russia’s fiercest adversaries.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the U.S. presidential election is just around the corner and Trump’s absurd condemnation shows that in Washngton the infighting is also intense.The leak of the Washington Post story is part of those internal contradictions.But the war side also shows major disagreements between Washington and Kiev: Biden will not attend the summit in Switzerland either, which is definitely going to come to nothing.

The leak, say some sources, is intended to study the reaction in Russia to each and every successive provocation, i.e. both rhetorical and real.

In Moscow they say that the use of Western weapons by Kiev without NATO’s participation is impossible. Kiev receives missiles whose air missions are based on space and air reconnaissance data from the imperialist Alliance.NATO authorizes and oversees every single firing of

But the war side also shows major disagreements between Washington and Kiev: Biden will also not attend the summit in Switzerland, which is definitely going to come to nothing.The leak, say some sources, is intended to study the reaction in Russia to each and every successive provocation, i.e. both rhetorical and real.In Moscow they say that the use of Western weapons by Kiev without NATO’s participation is impossible. Kiev receives missiles whose air missions are based on space and air reconnaissance data from the imperialist Alliance.NATO authorizes and supervises every single Ukrainian artillery firing.

As the Ukrainian army flees in disarray, the possibility increases that the clash will no longer have intermediaries and the nuclear-armed powers will meet directly.

There are 20 European countries that are members of the European Union and NATO (and some of them are members of both organizations) that oppose this scenario.At least publicly they do not authorize Ukraine to use Western weapons outside the war zone.

These include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia.However, these 20 countries count for practically nothing and the real masters make the decisions without even consulting them, which may be another source of problems in the medium term because the masters always need the lackeys.In Europe the decisions on the Ukrainian War are made by a very small minority of countries, UK, France and Germany, who present the others with the fait accompli and pressure them to swallow every single toad.Of this trio the clearest position is that of Germany, which is totally opposed to Kiev striking inside Russia, while officially the UK has not banned the use of British weapons on Russian soil and neither has France.

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