Europe loses uranium from Niger’s mines for its nuclear reactors

Since France lost its place in the Sahel, its media have been unleashing a campaign against Russia (sometimes they say “Wagner”) in which they use certain NGOs to conclude that Russia/Wagner is appropriating or taking advantage of the mines, whether nickel, gold or uranium, in the case of Niger.

As these are French media, almost nobody has echoed this intoxicating campaign. But now it is the turn of the Bloomberg agency to take over from newspapers like Le Monde with much more efficiency: Russia expels France from Niger’s uranium mines.

As can be seen, Niger does not play a role, nor does it expel anyone. It is Russia that is in charge, which, moreover, is doing the same as France: taking advantage of the misery of an African country. The conclusion is the one we hear so often: they are all the same, they all want the same thing, they are all after money….

However, in the fine print, Bloomberg tells the story like this: the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom has approached the new military authorities of Niger to buy the assets of the French company Orano (the former Areva) which, per cent, has paralyzed the mines for obvious reasons.

The talks are still in the early stages. There are not even negotiations, Bloomberg adds. The terms of a possible transaction have not been defined, so anyone who only reads the agency’s headlines will jump to conclusions.

As we have already explained in previous posts, the European Union has labeled nuclear energy as “green” so we can expect a multiplication of nuclear power plants in the immediate future, if Agenda 2030 goes ahead and if Europe gets uranium for its reactors, which is far from clear.

As a consequence of rampant nuclearization, the price of uranium has reached a 17-year high, partly due to sanctions against Russia, and partly due to the interruption of exports from Niger, which has some of the highest quality uranium mines in Africa.

In March we also related that U.S. diplomats visited Niger to do what they do best, pressure and threaten to avoid the kind of situations Bloomberg senses.The media then accused Niamey of selling uranium to Iran.It is not only the United States, nor only France: the European Union will have to start thinking about where it is going to get the uranium it needs for its nuclear power plants, a problem that adds to that of gas and oil… Too many problems at the same time at election time.

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