A vaccination center and a pharmacy are set on fire in Martinique when settlers impose a curfew.

In the Antillean colonies of Guadeloupe and Martinique, the percentage of the population that has received the two doses of the vaccine is less than 16 percent. But the distrust of the colonized against the colonists has gone much further: on July 31 in Martinique they set fire to a vaccination center and a pharmacy, just on the day the prefect imposed a curfew.

The Antilleans have very good reasons to be suspicious. Between 1981 and 1993, banana crops were sprayed with chlordecone, an organochlorine pesticide then used to treat weevil infestations.

Chlordecone is an extremely persistent organic pollutant in the environment, which can be very toxic. Although it was classified as a human carcinogen in 1979, it was not banned until 1993 and has been used mainly in the West Indies.

Colonial France and its health institutions demonstrated that in the colonies health mattered very little. They turned a blind eye, allowing cancer to proliferate.

Distrust has therefore taken hold in the West Indies and colonialism wants to restore order and punish the insubordinate. As of today, the prefect of Guadeloupe, Alexandre Rochatte, has imposed a new three-week confinement and a curfew starting at 8:00 p.m. and ending at 5:00 a.m. Bars must remain closed, including bars and restaurants.

Bars must remain closed, including open-air terraces, and people cannot move beyond a radius of 10 kilometers from their residence.

For what reason? Because of alleged outbreaks that no one has seen anywhere. The UGTG union in Guadeloupe states that “there are four people in intensive care and all four are vaccinated”.

In the West Indian colonies they cannot attribute any deaths to the coronavirus. Zero. But when there are no deaths the “experts” have to resort to “cases”, “outbreaks” and “curves”.

It is extraordinarily absurd to pretend a “fight” against a virus that does not kill, but there are those who continue to swallow the nonsense of the “experts” and applaud with their ears each of the repressive measures approved by the governments of the day, inside and outside the colonies.

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