A virus unmasks a supposedly progressive left-wing and nationalist ideology.

In some Basque media (“Sustatu”) and by certain people (Luistxo Fernandez) they allow themselves to denigrate a digital media such as “Independentea”, and with it, anyone who has written in this media with a minimum critical sense and therefore many reasonable doubts about what is happening with this pandemic, when in fact reasonable doubt is an essential element in progressivism and the left, so this virus the first thing it has done is to unmask these false leftist and abertzale progressives.

Something similar can be said with respect to “Maldita” and “Newtral”, and other Basque media, that with the vitola of equanimity and progressivism, what they are really doing is serving faithfully the official discourse, which is who pays them, and, like that mentioned Basque media, without giving the option to scientifically debate the different positions. It is always easier to denigrate without debating than to debate without denigrating. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that these defamations must be checked with the source before spreading them, as I did in the past with the Spanish media “Newtral” and “Maldita”, achieving that in the end -as they did not accept such contrast of opinion- they did not manage to qualify it as a hoax. These media, like those mentioned above together with other Basque media, what they are doing is a praxis typical of dictatorial states where freedom of thought is persecuted in exchange for the enrichment of the crematism using tools typical of past times that, at least for me, I do not wish to have to suffer again at any time.

In this Basque media they allow themselves to qualify with epithets that those of us who are critical of the pandemic are liars, not having the courage to say it face to face and to be willing to a debate in order to know who is really lying, that is, again this virus has unmasked the cowardice of many people who pretend to be Basque fighters for the truth, justice and sovereignty of our people.

The official nationalist left wing at the time told us that they had scientific advisors for the pandemic and, I can say it loud and clear, at the time I offered to collaborate with the advisors they had, as I had done on other occasions in matters related to my profession, being my surprise that in the end they neither accepted my collaboration nor did they really have any advisors, that is to say, once again the virus has unmasked the reality of what has become a political party that was supposed to be different from the rest, but in the end it is just like any other political party, using politics as a way of life, leaving aside its essential political ideology. And there, in this concept of living off politics, is where people like the one mentioned above in relation to the media fit perfectly.

In this pandemic, this nationalist left has even asked for much more harshness in the restrictive measures, to support the vaccination of everyone even campaigning for it, and has not been able to stand up to the nonsense of the education professionals and the unacceptable way from the human point of view with which they have treated children and adolescents in the ikastolas and schools, that is to say, again the virus has unmasked the most controlling face of a supposed abertzale progressivism more typical of a conservative and undemocratic ideological option.

Likewise, during this pandemic, this nationalist left has transmitted us the message of the need for more tracers and more PCR tests, that is to say, the more tests the more positive, without making the slightest criticism of how the accumulated incidence has been used for fourteen days, raising and lowering it according to the restrictive measures that were being adopted. Of course, a progressive option that uses the demagogy of economy vs. health, seems to be only interested in the economy of those who have a guaranteed salary and job, leaving aside sectors that precisely with these restrictive measures have ceased to have both that salary and that fixed job, that is to say, once again the virus has unmasked options that are typical of neoliberalism and not of progressivism.

The same could be said about the unmasking of this virus to abertzale progressivism if we talk about the confinements and the lack of vision, not to see that scientifically it was not the right thing to do (of course, they had no advisors) and that from the social and economic point of view it is the least progressive thing that can be given, or the closure of primary care in public health, an essential element in a progressive ideology. But the demand was about making the health workers more tested and providing them with more means of security or that they should stay at home and work, but they should be paid, while other workers were obliged to stay at home without being paid. If the proposal is that the latter enter the wheel of subsidization, besides being bread for today and hunger for tomorrow, this means ending up depending on the instituted power, which ends up being a captive vote. Gentlemen of the nationalist left, do you know in whose favor this captive vote is going to go? I suppose you already know the answer: the one who has the power in Euskadi, it is not necessary to be very clever.

The izquierda abertzale has at no time opposed the restrictive measures carried out by the Basque Government, indeed, on many occasions they have seemed mild, as at no time has opposed the blackmail of the green passport of the covid vaccine, which, besides being used to penalize leisure, can be used to preserve jobs, and what is even more unbecoming of a left-wing option: that it can be used to control immigration, as is already being done in some countries in Europe. Gentlemen of the abertzale left, is it that someone who comes escaping in a cayuco is going to have a green passport in order? That is to say, once again this virus has unmasked the options of abertzale progressivism.

If we talk about the anti-pandemic law that the Basque Government wants to pass, although the abertzale left does not agree, the arguments they use are not about the lack of democratic content and respect for individual and collective rights, but about having a more sovereign law to, if necessary, be able to adopt more restrictive measures. And my opinion is that I, who consider myself a sovereignist, do not want a sovereignty based on the lack of respect for rights and with a total anti-democratic bias; my concept of sovereignty is that of total respect for ideas and rights, and of course fully democratic.

It is curious that, with this anti-pandemic law and other measures that have been adopted during this pandemic, many citizens who were participants in not supporting the Constitution and therefore the regime of 78, a position endorsed by the nationalist left, at this moment we are wishing that the Constitutional Court declares the illegality of this law. Gentlemen of the abertzale left, if you continue like this, you are going to make Spain achieve that the Basques accept the constitutional system and, therefore, give a break to the regime of 78.

When the abertzale parties do not believe in their own country, that is to say, when they pervert the concept of sovereignty and accept what we could consider to be a misunderstood sovereignty.

Actually, both PNV and EH Bildu have conveyed to us that true sovereignty is needed, but many of us, believing in sovereignty, ask ourselves: why do we want to have a sovereign Basque Republic if it does not respect my rights and freedoms? Do we want sovereignty in order to pose harsher restrictions with the demagogy of economy vs. health, as has been done by certain political options?

The reality is that in this pandemic, with a real scientific advice, without the demagogic use of epidemiological statistics, carrying out public health and sanitary policies of their own and with an important dose of pedagogy in the population, a different framework would have been established where the abertzales parties (majority in the chamber of Gasteiz) could have asserted and exercised a real sovereignty with their own strategies and different from those of the Spanish state, in such a way that the Spanish Government would not have had the capacity to maneuver except that of force, which would have meant the beginning of the end of the submission of the Basques to the Spanish State, but the reality is that we have lost an unbeatable opportunity to do so because of the submission to what the Spanish State and neoliberal globalism established.

The truth is that, when these media placed us, the critics of the pandemic, next to ultra-right positions such as Bolsonaro or Trump (now curiously it is Biden, a candidate for whom the left was betting precisely), the reality is that this lack of vision, in which the trees have not let them see the forest, is what has placed the nationalist left, with the defense of its position during this pandemic, in the defense of the positions of the deepest neoliberal globalism.

This persecution, which in some cases has reached the level of harassment, is of such a level that not only have they dedicated themselves to denigrate certain people for having a critical spirit of what was happening with the pandemic, but, not only that, they have used in a pejorative way the term “negationist” when this term has clear connotations of fascist ideologies and that come from the time when the Nazis denied the “holocaust”, being, therefore, from every point of view rejectable by those who have collaborated with “Independentea” and more than enough reason to sue certain people of certain media for having practiced slander and harassment.

by Jon Ander Etxebarria Garate.

Cuando un virus desenmascara una supuesta ideología progresista de izquierdas y abertzale

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