Australia’s digital dictatorship under the pretext of health

Nothing goes right in the kingdom of the Kangaroos

Australia is officially the most avant-garde country when it comes to coronalocura. First of all, the army patrols the streets when you’re at home, to keep watch. A pressure-cooker, of no value whatsoever.

But the balance of power in our generation is, of course, in line, and the oligarchy understands this. That’s why the Australian government wants to go further to “fight abuse”.

“The Australian federal government plans to de-anonymise the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat “online abuse”. Police will have access to individuals’ social media accounts, which will be linked to their passports.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as is well known.

The control of your freedom looks even more suffocating with this new law that has just been passed.

What law?

The one to control, delete and modify your online publications. This means that the state can arrogate to itself the right to publish statements by you against your will (and possibly punish you for it).

This is close to mind control.

Monitoring social media accounts and deleting data

  1. Data alteration orders: allow police to alter or completely erase the digital data of anyone involved in an ongoing investigation.
  2. Network activity orders: police can obtain information stored on a suspect’s computers, as well as any suspected criminal networks and users linked to the individual.

Account seizure orders: police can take control of a suspect’s social media and online accounts.

To obtain these orders, the police do not need to seek permission from a judge.

Instead, the police simply have to go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, a review body within the government, which independently reviews decisions made by officials, but which only has jurisdiction where the law expressly provides for it.

Want to know more?

The end of liberties in Australia

Beware, at this level, pre-apocalyptic science fiction is no longer up to the task.

Residents of certain regions are obliged to take a selfie, geo-locate themselves and make a sworn statement of the reason for their trip when they receive a text message from the government.

If they do not respond within 15 minutes, the police may intervene.

Surely the Chinese influence!

“South Australians will have to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will send them text messages at random times, after which they will have 15 minutes to take a photo of their face where they are supposed to be. If they fail to do so, local police will be sent to follow up in person.”

“We don’t tell them how often or when, randomly, they have to respond in 15 minutes,” explained Prime Minister Steven Marshall. “I think all South Australians should be very proud that we are the national centre for home quarantine enforcement.”

It is the last straw that such a wild country with alligators, coyotes, sharks, snakes and other beasts of the underworld is so well tied up.

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