NATO destroys a strategic radar of the Russian army

On May 23 several Portuguese-made drones struck a Russian strategic radar station at Armavir in southern Russia.

It is unclear how many drones were used in the attack and how many were shot down.It appears that at least one or two drones were hit and another crashed into an outbuilding housing the military operating the radar, which likely houses Russian air defense communications.Initially, Ukrainian sources claimed that the drones launched against the radar were of the HUR type, i.e. Ukrainian-made. This was false. The Russians recovered the partially destroyed drones. They are Tekever AR3 of Portuguese manufacture. Last June Portugal announced that it would supply the drones to Ukraine, after the UK paid for them.

The use of NATO weaponry for such attacks represents a significant escalation of the war that could trigger Russian retaliation against NATO countries. So far, Russia has hardly said anything, but it could attack NATO facilities or even start using tactical nuclear weapons.

Ultimately, the fundamental motive for the war in Ukraine is the attempt to prevent such provocations and the neighboring country from becoming a nuclear missile base for the imperialist Alliance.

Armavir is located at the Baranovsky Air Base in Krasnodar Krai, near the Caucasus. It consists of two long-range radars intended to warn of a nuclear attack.Eliminating strategic radars exposes Russia to long-range missile attacks launched from any point, especially if they start close to its borders.

This is the first time that strategic nuclear defense facilities have been attacked in Russia or in another country. If the Russians had believed it was a NATO attack on their nuclear facilities, they could have triggered a nuclear response.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, among other warmongers, has urged Ukraine to fire long-range missiles into Russian territory, even though they know that radars cannot distinguish whether a missile has a conventional or nuclear warhead.

The Russians suspect that the United States, especially since 2019, secretly prepares a nuclear arsenal in Eastern Europe, next to Russia’s borders, mainly in Poland and Romania.As we have already announced in previous posts, there are countries bordering Russia that have expressed interest in hosting NATO nuclear weaponry.

In 2019 Putin denounced that the United States was installing launchers in Romania and Poland that could fire air defense missiles or Tomahawk cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.Officially, Tomahawk cruise missiles are equipped with conventional warheads. although they are originally nuclear.

Since the 1980s, the INF treaty regulated intermediate nuclear weaponry. In 2019 Trump withdrew the United States from the regulation and immediately afterwards Russia followed suit.In December 2021, before attacking Ukraine, Putin approached Biden and NATO to propose that Russia, NATO and the United States withdraw U.S. and NATO weapons from Eastern Europe, particularly Poland.Putin’s call was not heeded and the Russian military attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022. From that dust has come this mud.There is no more room for discussion about escalation or in-depth attack against Russia. It is a fact, and when the Russian army responds, the mourners will cry again, as they have been crying for two years.

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