The European Union finances the abandonment of migrants in the North African desert.

So far this year Tunisia has intercepted 21,545 migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy. The European Commission’s agreement with the North African country has allowed it to obtain 255 million euros in aid, which has resulted in a 22.5 percent increase in the number of migrants intercepted compared to the previous year, just for the period from January to April of this year.

The migrants claim to have been abandoned in the desert by the Tunisian authorities without water or shelter. They have reached an uninhabited area near the Libyan border town of Al-Assah.

Migrants are abandoned in the middle of the desert in Morocco, Mauritania or even Tunisia.

Following the publication of the journalistic investigation, which includes in particular the Washington Post and the Lighthouse Reports journalists’ collective, Eric Mamer, spokesman for the European Commission, acknowledged the abandonment. It is “a difficult and evolving situation and one that we will continue to work on,” says Mamer.

In Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia, migrants are “stopped because of the color of their skin and taken by bus to the middle of nowhere, often to desert and arid areas,” without food and water. Others would be taken to border areas, to be sold “by the authorities to human traffickers and gangs who torture them for ransom”.

In addition to financial support, Europe is directly involved in clandestine operations carried out in North African countries. It is a mass movement that “functions thanks to the money, vehicles, equipment, intelligence and security forces provided by the European Union and European countries”.

The European Union, for its part, has signed agreements with North African countries to curb immigration to Europe. In addition, Europe recently adopted a reform of asylum and migration policy, which makes it possible to tighten arrival controls and speed up the return of migrants whose right to asylum has been rejected.

In addition to the systematic and racist nature of these practices, it is completely impossible for Europe to justify the use of its funds.

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