With its emigrants Morocco builds a spy network in Europe at the service of Mossad

Morocco and Israel normalized their relations in December 2020 and have since intensified their cooperation, particularly military and security.

In July 2021 an international media collective, Forbidden Stories, revealed the large-scale use by the Moroccan secret service of the Israeli Pegasus app to spy on thousands of phones of European opponents, journalists and political leaders, including Pedro Sanchez and ministers of the coalition government.

In December of the following year, the Belgian police dismantled a corruption network, dubbed “Qatargate” by the media, set up by the Moroccan services to bribe members of the European Parliament. The investigation revealed that behind this network were the Moroccan ambassador to Poland, Abderrahim Atmoun, and a leader of the DGED, the Moroccan foreign intelligence, Mohamed Bellahrach.

The name of the leader of the Moroccan espionage also appeared in other cases in France, in particular that of the corruption of a French border police officer or that of the infiltration of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM). Designated under the code name of Agent M118, the Moroccan espionage leader is the subject of an international arrest warrant issued in 2018 by the French courts.

The Moroccan secret services have appointed certain members of the Moroccan diaspora in France as liaison agents for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, says Georges Malbrunot, editor of Le Figaro newspaper.

The DGSI (Directorate General of Foreign Security) has clashed with U.S. intelligence, writes Malbrunot. “Having elements of the Moroccan diaspora in France serve as subcontractors for the Israeli Mossad will not work,” he asserts, without elaborating on how the Mossad is using Moroccan emigrants in Europe, at a time when the Gaza War is deeply dividing European society.At the end of March, one of the spokesmen for the Israeli army, Olivier Rafowicz, confirmed that in the Gaza War, Morocco is on Israel’s side and the support is not just rhetorical.”Morocco is with Israel and Algeria is radicalized today against Israel and is also radicalized against Morocco,” he added.The subway actions of the Moroccan secret services, repeatedly caught red-handed, are not unrelated to the tensions with the European Union.

The Rabat government has the luxury of pushing the pressure to the limit because of Israel’s support. That is why the European Union makes continuous concessions to Morocco on the most sensitive issues, such as emigration or the Moroccan annexation of the Sahara.

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