The Normandy Landing Myth

The surviving soldiers at Omaha Beach always knew they owed their lives to the Soviet fighters who died on the Eastern Front to prevent Hitler from moving his divisions to Normandy.

Now NATO propaganda claims that it was the Americans who won World War II. Between “The Longest Day” and “Saving Private Ryan,” the American-made film narrative has become entrenched in the European subculture, ignoring everything else.

For Russians, who have not forgotten the 15 million dead in the conflict (26 million for all of Soviet Russia), “forgetting” is worse than an affront: it is an ignominy that the refusal to invite Putin to Normandy while rolling out the red carpet for Zelensky, crowns it like a sour cherry on a rotten cake.

When, to decorate the crown, we invite Germans to the victors’ feast as if they were innocent victims, excluding those to whom the victory is due, we seriously question the sincerity and honesty of the approach, even if we think that today’s Germans are not guilty of the crimes of their forefathers.

We will never tire of repeating that if the Ukrainians and the other now independent republics that then formed the USSR also shed their blood to liberate Europe from fascism, including Zelensky’s grandfather, a Red Army hero who today must be turning over in his grave, many of them collaborated extensively with the Nazi invader.Of the 300 murderers in the Treblinka extermination camp, thirty were Germans and all the rest Lithuanians and Ukrainians. The Banderites, now Zelensky’s allies, actively participated in the massacres in Ukraine.

When the Estonian president proudly displays her monument to the victims of communism while erasing the monuments against Nazism and denying the existence of local collaborators who participated in the massacres of some of her fellow citizens, she does nothing but rewrite history in a shameful way.Historical revisionism is in force everywhere. When Ukrainian textbooks summarize the Second World War as a struggle of the bandits against two evil foreign dictators, Hitler and Stalin, who wanted to occupy their territory, we should ask ourselves several questions.

When a political system wants to change history to base itself on falsehoods, it is digging its own grave. When there are several, it is because we are witnessing the end of an era live and direct.

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