At last, the ‘pro-Russian terrorism’ we have been missing for so long has arrived

In the hardest times of the Islamalgama, a common criminal, Mohamed Merah, became an informant for the French intelligence services who, in turn, turned him into an occasional terrorist, in the style of the scapegoats of the Atocha bombings.

The Italian journalist Daniele Raineri told the story in 2012 in the newspaper Il Foglio. The jihadist of occasion had diplomatic passports that in 2010 and 2011 allowed him to travel freely in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and even in Israel.

According to the Italian journalist, the Directorate General of Foreign Security (DGSE) managed to get him to enter Israel in September 2010 as an informant. He then traveled to Jordan, from where he flew to Afghanistan and several other Muslim countries. The aim of the operation was to demonstrate to the jihadist network his ability to cross borders with a European passport.

In the end, the scapegoat killed seven people in Toulouse and Montauban. He was a textbook jihadist who died in the very hands of the policemen who had fabricated him. The rhetoric of the “lone wolf” was being born.

The French intelligence services are consummate masters at recruiting “terrorists” for any need of the moment. They even helped invent a “moderate jihadism” for the Syrian War.

Now they have done it again with a Ukrainian, originally from the Donbas. As he speaks Russian, like most Ukrainians, the intoxication media present him as a “Russian citizen” or “Russian-Ukrainian” (1).

Rtve says that he is “of Ukrainian and Russian nationality” (2).It is like recognizing that the annexation of the Donbas has not existed, that it was always part of Russia.The Russian-Ukrainian had recently arrived in France.When the investigation had barely begun, the media were already aware of his political beliefs.”He seems to have a pro-Russian commitment,” they claim. From the outset Russia is fingered.”Should we see Moscow’s hand behind this project?”, asks one.

The answer can only be yes because a couple of years ago the European Parliament already declared Russia a “terrorist state”.Macron has resumed that thread.In an official speech he said that France has an “imperative duty” to “militarily neutralize” Russia and used the formula “Russian terrorism” to describe the arrest of the “Russian-Ukrainian”, who caused an explosion by manipulating a homemade device in the hotel room.

There has never been a “pro-Russian” bomb attack in France… until now, at a time when Macron needs to justify sending troops to fight Russia, an expedition that only Napoleon was capable of organizing two hundred years ago (apart from Hitler).

“You see it yourselves, dear compatriots, Russia is waging a war on our soil.Therefore, the time has come for national unity and a military response,” Macron said in a demagogic speech delivered on “the longest day.”

The media are overcome by their “anti-Russian” impatience.As chance would have it, a “Russian-Ukrainian” arrives in the vicinity of a Paris airport as D-Day is commemorated to commit the first of what promises to become a protracted saga.Naturally, Russia cannot be invited to an official event when it harbors “terrorist intentions” against France in parallel…


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