China intervenes to end Israeli killings in Gaza

Yesterday, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to convene an expanded peace conference to end the killings in Gaza. He made the offer at a forum that brought together Arab leaders and diplomats in Beijing.

Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been holding talks for months aimed at achieving a lasting truce in Gaza, accompanied by the release of hostages captured by Hamas. But the negotiations have reached an impasse.

“The war must not continue indefinitely.Justice must not be absent forever,” Xi Jinping said in a speech in which he praised the affinity between China and Arab countries and called for strengthening cooperation on energy. Beijing is a major customer of the region’s oil-exporting countries.Recalling the need for a “two-state solution,” Xi Jinping stressed that China “firmly supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state” and “full Palestinian membership in the UN.”

For his part, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi called to prevent “any attempt to force the Palestinians to leave their land by force”. The war has displaced most of Gaza’s approximately 2.4 million residents and caused a humanitarian catastrophe.

“There is no path to peace and stability in the region” without a “comprehensive approach to the Palestinian cause,” Al Sissi said. The Egyptian President is interested in China’s political support at a time when his country is increasingly cornered and wants to get as much support as possible from countries with international clout.

Beijing has strengthened its trade and diplomatic relations with the Middle East in recent years. “The friendship between China, the Chinese people and Arab countries dates back to the friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road,” the Chinese president recalled.21 Arab countries have joined the Chinese economic initiative.Last year China had an enormous diplomatic success in facilitating the rapprochement of two major regional powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia, traditional enemies.

At the end of April, representatives of Hamas and Fatah, two warring Palestinian organizations, met in Beijing to bridge the political divide among the population.

China’s engagement with Palestine further strengthens its position in the region, highlighting its efforts over the failure of the United States. The Gaza War is an opportunity to criticize the West’s double standards on the international stage and demand an alternative world order.

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