Saudi Arabia’s future is ‘greener’: Neom

A giant infrastructure project initiated by Saudi Arabia, Neom, is often presented as a showcase of the future. Designed to be a futuristic megacity, Neom embodies Saudi pretensions to modernize under the baton of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. At an estimated cost of $1.5 trillion, this project aims not only to diversify the Saudi economy, but also to reduce its dependence on oil.

However, recent months have been marked by challenges, including the cancellation of a $1.5 billion desalination project, which was expected to be able to provide 30 percent of the water needed for the project. Despite the setback, Neom continues to make progress, particularly in the area of “green” hydrogen.

Wesam Al Ghamdi, CEO of Neom Green Hydrogen Co, recently confirmed that construction of the world’s largest hydrogen plant is progressing significantly. Located in the floating port of Oxagon, the facility is one of many components of the project. It symbolizes the kingdom’s commitment to energy autonomy.

The pharaonic project envisages producing, once at full capacity, four million tons of “clean” hydrogen per year until 2030. This production volume will position the factory as a world leader, capable of supplying 600 tons of hydrogen per day, enough to fuel around 20,000 buses.

The development of the factory was made possible by an impressive $8.4 billion in financing, which helped accelerate construction work.The first equipment deliveries have already been made and more are expected throughout the year, highlighting the scale and speed of execution of the project.Neom’s “green” hydrogen project aims to play a crucial role in the production of “green” ammonia.In collaboration with ACWA Power and Air Products, Neom Green Hydrogen Company is overseeing the engineering, procurement and construction of the facility. Nadhmi Al Nasr, president of Neom Green Hydrogen Company and director of Neom, noted that this unique project places Saudi Arabia at the forefront of hydrogen production.

As Neom grows, it is increasingly clear that Neom is a pillar of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims for large-scale economic development.

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