490 million dollars earmarked for fortifications vanish in Ukraine

Nearly $500 million delivered to Ukraine for the construction of defensive fortifications intended to repel the Russian advance was embezzled or stolen, Ukrainian media reported.

Ukrainian police have launched about 30 investigations related to the embezzlement of $491 million, Rada deputy Mikhail Bondar said during a closed-door session of the parliamentary investigative committee on the fortifications.

The revelations come at a time when Ukrainian troops are in difficulties on the front line, having been under pressure from the Russians for several weeks.

“When they heard such figures the members of the People’s Servants Commission [Ukraine’s ruling party] immediately tried to defend the fund managers,” Bondar denounced.

Most of the funds were disbursed through the Ukrainian military and civilian authorities.” Parliamentarians attending the investigative committee urged the Ministry of Defense and local military commanders to provide information on the use of budget funds for defense construction.

Ukrainian media already reported in May that military and civilian authorities paid several hundred million dollars to fake companies for the supply of non-existent building materials for the construction of fortifications.Politicians and officials in the Kharkov region alone embezzled or stole $176.5 million, more than a quarter of the total. These funds were specifically granted to build fortifications along the border. The lack of defenses has allowed the Russians to gain ground in the region in recent months.Among the sectors that have been misappropriated is the timber supply. The Kharkov Department of Housing and Communal Services and the Regional Military Administration signed contracts worth $6.8 million with five companies set up immediately after the tenders were announced.

No awards were carried out and at least two of these companies were owned by the same person.

The fight against corruption, an endemic evil in Ukraine, is one of the main conditions imposed by Brussels on Kiev to join the European Union. But it is an evil that has not prevented the West from paying nearly $300 billion in aid to Ukraine since 2022

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