Covid vaccines fail to reduce mortality rates

Both scientific and generalist media are shifting to the side of the critics of vaccines, with an increasingly accepted conclusion: the increase in mortality, which since 2020 has barely abated over time, is a consequence of the injections.

A Dutch study published in BMJ Public Health with data from 47 countries in the Western world shows that mortality rates have remained high for the last three consecutive years. The authors call for a thorough investigation because “this is unprecedented and raises serious concerns” (1).

The team analyzed all-cause mortality in the Our World in Data database, recognized as the leading source of scientific data on mortality in developed countries. They also turned to the World Mortality Dataset to track excess mortality during the pandemic.

In addition to presenting figures on excess mortality, the authors cite research showing the negative health effects of vaccination programs and health restrictions and call for “in-depth study of the underlying causes of persistent excess mortality.”

Last week the British newspaper Telegraph referred to the study on its front page under the headline: “Covid vaccines may have helped drive rise in excess mortality” (2).

Dr. Meryl Nass reproduces from the article and notes that “the dam has broken” (3).

Earlier this year, Norwegian researchers published a peer-reviewed study in BMC Public Health (4) showing an increase in mortality rates attributed to causes other than “covid” in Norway in 2021 and 2022.

Trial Site News commented on the study last week (5) because it showed a “temporal concordance” between increased non-covid excess mortality in Norway and increased vaccination.

Dr. Pierre Kory, who has written numerous articles on excess mortality, says there are “many mechanisms by which the protein used in the injections [that] causes endothelial damage and hypercoagulability [excessive blood clotting] leading to heart attacks, strokes, aortic aneurysms” (6).

“Other mechanisms increase cancer risk,” he adds, “in particular the ubiquitous findings of vial DNA contamination with cancer-promoting sequences, such as SV40.”

The Dutch team’s study of excess mortality in 47 countries showed that excess mortality in 2020 was documented in 41 of 47 countries. Over the next two years, this number increased to 42 and 43 countries in 2021 and 2022, respectively. In total, an additional 3,098,456 deaths were recorded between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022, including just over 1 million in 2020.”In 2021, the year in which health restrictions and vaccines against ‘covid’ were used to combat the spread of the virus and infection, the highest number of excess deaths was recorded: 1,256,942 excess deaths.”In 2022, “when most confinements were lifted and vaccinations continued,” there were 808,392 excess deaths.The authors note that during the pandemic, politicians and the media insisted “daily that every ‘covid’ death was important and that every life deserved to be protected by containment measures and vaccines.”

“In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same mentality should prevail,” they say. “Every death should be recognized and accounted for, whatever its origin.”

The authors of the Dutch study called for government transparency regarding cause-of-death data so that researchers can perform “direct and robust analyses to determine underlying factors.”That also means autopsies should be performed to determine the exact reason for death, they added.

The Dutch researchers note that the data they analyzed may not have recorded all actual deaths because “countries may not have the infrastructure and capacity to document and count all deaths.” Errors or delays in record keeping can also lead to unrecorded deaths.Deaths of cardiovascular origin are the cause of the increase in mortality in Norway
The Dutch findings were corroborated by an earlier Norwegian study of non-covid excess mortality in Norway between 2020 and 2022.Researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health analyzed death registries in which “covid” infection was not mentioned as a cause of death to discover the causes of excess mortality.They used data from the Norwegian Cause of Death Register.

The authors observed “significant” excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 from all causes (3.7 per 100 and 14.5 per 100), from cardiovascular disease (14.3 per 100 and 22.0 per 100), and from malignant tumors in 2022 (3.5 per 100).

The increase in excess mortality unrelated to “covid” occurred when most Norwegians received the vaccine, but they did not declare a causal link between the vaccines and excess mortality. “The data we have do not allow us to compare excess mortality between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons,” they said.

Preliminary analyses of the Norwegian registry show no signs of increased mortality among vaccinated older people. TrialSite News speculated that the study authors avoided suggesting that the increase in excess cardiovascular mortality might be related to Norway’s mass vaccination program because they might have difficulty publishing their work.

The Norwegian authors said the confinements may also have contributed to the increased mortality. “There has been concern that the confinements have led to lower use of medical care, causing diseases that would otherwise have been discovered to go undiagnosed, which may lead to higher mortality,” they write.


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