For the time being the pandemic treaty is kept in the fridge

The pretensions of the chemical-pharmaceutical-military complex regarding what “should” have been the results of the 77th World Health Assembly held from May 27 to June 1 to impose a world dictatorship protected by “His Law”, have not yielded the expected results despite the threats of the tenant of the White House embodied in the document “Global Health Security Strategy 2024” of April of this year, in which the threat is embodied in an expression that leaves no room for doubt:

“The U.S. government has civilian and military partnerships with law enforcement agencies around the world.

What has happened? What have been the results of the modification of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the imposition of a theoretical Pandemic Treaty?Let us give some examples with regard to the IHR.In Article 3, the intention was to eliminate “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals, but this wording is maintained in the approved text.

Article 12 was intended to incorporate the following: “The Director General, on the basis of information received, may determine at any time to issue a Global Alert and Response Notice to States Parties”.

But the approved text remains as follows:”If the Director General and the States Parties are in agreement on this determination, the Director General, shall seek the advice of the committee to be established on appropriate temporary recommendations”.

Article 44 was intended to impose “the formulation of laws and other legal and administrative provisions for the implementation of these Regulations”.

This proposal is cancelled in the approved document.

Annex 6 was intended to state that “in a vaccination scenario using products still at the investigational stage, the certificates should be considered approved”.

But the final text remains as follows: “Vaccines and other prophylactic measures recommended in these Regulations shall be of appropriate quality, vaccines and prophylactic measures indicated by WHO shall be subject to approval by WHO.”

After these brief examples related to some articles that were intended to provide impunity to the faithful servants of the chemical pharmaceutical industry embedded in the WHO, and to elevate its Director General to the status of Universal Dictator, we can say that the preventions, modifications and nuances to the 2005 Regulations serve absolutely no purpose,since, as we were able to verify in the year 2020, without any of the “powers” that were now intended to be included, the world population was subjected to the most terrible ignominy, humiliation, despair, disease and death, that is, what was imposed “de facto” without any kind of bureaucratic legality.Now they simply intended to establish it “de iure” to give the impression that the barbarities they may impose in the future are backed by a great international consensus. And I think it is precisely this issue that has been called into question, that as David Bell, senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute, former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization, put it in February 2023: “The World Health Organization plans to become a kind of global autocratic government, eliminating national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state”.

A pyrrhic victory for the governments of countries that want to maintain some sovereignty and make their own public health decisions, since the chemical-pharmaceutical-military conglomerate will not relent in its claims to world control and will use all the means at its disposal, including the assassination of sovereign political leaders, as stated by Dr. Meryl Nass in the interview conducted by Global Research on May 21 this year: “Several countries have said they do not like these treaties.However, the same thing was said by the prime minister of Slovakia, who about 10 days ago, said that Slovakia would not sign the treaties as they are currently drafted.Five days later, there was an assassination attempt on his life.And Iran was one of 11 countries that wrote to the UN in September, not following this plan. And Iran’s president and foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash two days ago. So I would recommend to the heads of state that, although I asked them earlier to state publicly what they would do about the WHO proposals, I would tell them not to take the risk now.

Thus, the issue of the health of the proletariat must be continually put on the table and with it demand to know the so-called “experts” of our country who are part of the bureaucratic machinery of the WHO, who appoints them, what interests they respond to, what their names are and their links with the pharmaceutical mafia, etc.


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