Russia commits four submarines to Black Sea patrols

Russia is encountering many difficulties in the Black Sea, a largely unrecognized theater of war.British naval drones have dealt them hard blows, sinking flagships of the Fleet. In April 2022 they managed to sink the cruiser Moskava, flagship of the Russian Navy in the area.Almost two weeks ago, four Russian patrol boats, of the KS-701 Tunets type, were destroyed during an attack carried out by naval drones.Two of them were totally destroyed, while two others were partially damaged and will require repair work to enable them to return to sea in condition.

The attacks forced the Russian Navy to take precautions that affected its operations, including moving some of its ships from Crimean ports further east to Novorossiysk to better protect them.In February, Admiral Viktor Sokolov, head of the Black Sea Fleet, was dismissed.The attacks, which Russian official sources do not usually acknowledge, have crippled Moscow’s naval force and limited its operations.

Russia has decided to change its strategy and send four submarines to patrol the Black Sea, with the aim of repelling the adversary attacks, as confirmed by Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, on national television, during an interview on Monday (*).

The four submarines would rotate. Three of them would be heavily armed and equipped with cruise missiles.

The Black Sea is a dead end and a strategic point for Russia, especially the port cities of Odessa and Mariupol.It concentrates all war resources: military bases, commercial ports and immense gas resources.In 1919, after the October Revolution, both the British and the French occupied Odessa and Sevastopol.

With the end of the Cold War, this inland sea was opened to Western appetites. NATO, which was already in Turkey, moved into Romania and Bulgaria. Since then, NATO has wanted to corner the Russian Fleet in the Sea of Azov and the eastern coasts.


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