The European Union does not want Syrian refugees to return to their country.

Last month, the 8th Conference on the situation of Syrian refugees organized by the European Union was held in Brussels to show the world the compassion that the strong always have for the weakest and neediest.

The European Commission announced that they had raised more than 7.5 billion euros “for Syria and the countries of the region”.Europe does not want any Syrian refugees to return to their homeland and does not want them to return to their country of origin either, so the money is a bribe so that the Syrian refugee problem will never end and the intoxication media can continue to point an accusing finger at Bashar Al Assad as the only culprit of the situation.

Borrell put it this way:”We agree with the United Nations that the conditions for a safe, voluntary and dignified return to Syria are currently not met […] We insist on the fact that it is the responsibility of Bashar Al Assad’s regime to establish those conditions.””Our engagement cannot be limited to financial pledges, and we must redouble our efforts to find a political solution to the conflict, which supports the aspirations of the Syrian people for a peaceful and democratic future,” Borrell added.

Modern wars never end. The Syrian war started thirteen years ago and the cannons are still roaring. It will happen to the Syrian refugees as it did to the Palestinians: they will always be there, waiting for “international aid” and NGOs to serve as cannon fodder in any war that requires their services.Brussels is creating a diplomatic style of its own: in the case of Ukraine it is promoting a “peace” conference in Switzerland without Russia and for the Syrian refugees it is bringing together everyone… except the Syrian government.Once again one has to agree with the former Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Al Jaafari, when he declared that the Brussels conferences are pure propaganda and that the European Union is part of the problem, instead of being part of the solution.”It is ironic to impose unilateral and criminal coercive economic measures against the Syrian people while at the same time claiming its determination and commitment to help those same Syrian people.”In July last year, the European Parliament voted for a resolution supporting the retention of displaced Syrians in Lebanon, a country that has endured a dire situation for many years. But the crisis in Lebanon is a blessing for the European Union, which can profit from it… if Beirut complies with the decisions of the European Union to keep Syrian refugees in its country.

However, in Brussels, the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdallah Bou Habib, said that Lebanon has reached a point of no return and that continuing to finance refugees is a danger for Syria’s neighboring countries.Contrary to what the European Union pretends, the government in Beirut can no longer take it anymore and announces: “Lebanon is a transit country and not an asylum country”.

This means that the money from Brussels must go into the pockets of those who return to Syria and not to those who stay in Lebanon. The return of refugees, the Lebanese add, is not linked to a supposed “political solution to the Syrian crisis” but to the lifting of sanctions imposed on the Damascus government.

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