Missile hits oil tanker in the Red Sea

Yesterday a Panamanian-flagged oil tanker was hit by a missile off the coast of Yemen, where the Huthis are stepping up their attacks on merchant ships, maritime security company Ambrey reported.A radio communication indicated that the ship had been hit by a missile and that there was a fire in the command compartment, said the British company, according to which the attack occurred about 18 kilometers southwest of the Yemeni town of Moja.

British maritime safety agency UKMTO earlier reported an attack 140 kilometers southwest of the town of Hodeidah, also on the Red Sea, although it was not known if it was the same ship.”One ship sustained light damage after being hit by an unidentified projectile,” UKMTO said, specifying that the crew was safe and that the ship had continued on its way to its next port.

The Huthis, who control the city of Hodeidah as well as large swathes of Yemeni territory, have carried out dozens of drone and missile attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November, imposing a maritime blockade on Israel in defense of the Palestinian people.

In the face of these attacks, the United States, a close ally of Israel, created a multinational force in December to protect shipping in the Red Sea and launched attacks in Yemen in January, with the support of the United Kingdom, against the Huthis.

For its part, Ansarollah’s response has been to extend its attacks to U.S. and British ships.

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