Russian military practices with nuclear weapons on the Ukrainian border

Yesterday the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the start of military exercises using tactical nuclear weapons near the Ukrainian border.

Earlier this month, Putin announced that the defense ministries and general staffs of Russia and Belarus had begun preparing joint exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons.The Russian leader stressed that such exercises are standard practice and would be conducted in three stages. Russia and Belarus conducted the first stage separately, while the second and third stages are implemented jointly.The aim, says the Russian Defense Ministry, is to prepare the military in handling the non-strategic nuclear arsenal in response to threats from Western powers.

The exercises are being held in the Southern Military District, a region adjacent to Ukraine. Russian troops practice covert loading and handling of “special munitions” on Iskander missile systems, while also involving aviation elements and Kinjal hypersonic missiles.

Unlike Western leaders, in Russia they are not so talkative. They prefer facts. In its official statement the Russian Defense Ministry assures that the exercises involve navy and aviation.

It does not specify the exact location of the maneuvers, nor does it provide further details about the operations, but it assures that they are aimed at preparing troops for the defense of Russia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

This is a strong reaction to threats from certain Western leaders. The Russian government has warned for the umpteenth time that NATO members, in particular the United States, Britain and the European Union, risk retaliation if they allow Ukraine to use the weapons sent to them to attack Russian territory.

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