The longest wave of low temperatures ever recorded in Santiago de Chile has arrived

The residents of Santiago de Chile are bundling up to withstand temperatures close to zero degrees Celsius in a hellish autumn: the coldest month of May in the last 74 years.

A sudden cold front has gripped many regions of South America, which are unaccustomed to strong icy winds at this time of year.

Temperatures broke records along Chile’s coast and in Santiago, reaching near-freezing levels and making this month the coldest May the country has experienced since 1950.

An unusual succession of polar air masses has moved over swathes of southern Chile, pushing the mercury below zero degrees Celsius in some places. It is the latest example of extreme weather in a region still in autumn.

Chileans are bundling up with more clothes and drinking cups of hot coffee as the country faces the most intense cold snap in nearly 70 years, which will bring winter weather in mid-autumn.

“Since 1950, that is, in the last 74 years, we have not had a cold snap as intense as the current one in May,” said Raúl Cordero, a meteorologist at the University of Santiago de Chile (*).

“We are in the presence of the longest cold snap ever recorded in the capital, at least since 1950 for the fall.”

The government of President Gabriel Boric has activated a special program to assist people who are homeless. The Ministry of Social Development has activated Code Blue, which will be active in six regions of the country and will provide warm food and shelter, as well as transportation to shelters for those who require it.

Citizens themselves can notify municipal services to come to the aid of those most affected by the cold.

Snowfalls in some neighborhoods of the capital have wreaked havoc on urban functioning, with power outages that have lasted for more than five days.


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